Altamax deals with international trading, developing commercial
relationships and promoting products between different countries.
We market products with a high technological content, offering our
customers innovative systems of recognized quality.
Any company that needs to extend its commercial presence at the
international level can contact us to evaluate possible collaborations.
We have a consolidated presence in several European countries.
Proposed products:
Safety foggers DEFENDERTECH by Tekgroup Srl
Business areas for which we are developing the network of
- Detection, control and automation systems for agriculture.
- Road safety systems, guard-rails and road signs
- Made in Italy food and beverage products.

Altamax is the exclusive distributor of Fog Security System DEFENDERTECH in Poland
Protecting your investments has now become a paramount need. High crime rate requires
effective defense action.
DEFENDERTECH blocks any possible attempted theft with its powerful emission of NEBBIA,
protecting your belongings in a moment, definitively resolving this problem.
An absolute security system capable of blocking or discouraging any attempt to rob in any
situation and condition.
Even the best alarm system on the market, contains a gap: the intervention of the police or
security forces takes several minutes, allowing so the thieves to act undisturbed.
DEFENDERTECH - the most powerful and complete Fog Security System in the market,
allows to fill this gap. It takes just a few seconds to neutralize the action of the intruder,
because he will see nothing more. Only one is the alternative: THE ESCAPE.
To remain it means being INTRAPPOLATED by a dense fog, so that there is no longer any
visual perception and being disoriented to the point of no longer finding out. The more thieves
beware of DEFENDERTECH presence inside the venue will avoid attempting theft because
they know they will not have any chance of success.
DEFENDERTECH was born in 2009 and was the first Italian Company to produce FOG
SECURITY SYSTEM, revolutionizing a semi-known technology in Italy and exclusive to
Northern Europe. Even today design and production are carried out only at the plant located
in the province of Pesaro-Urbino Italy.
The strength of DEFENDERTECH is the constant search for innovation, attention to its
Customers and the Market, and above all thanks to Italian creativity, this allows us to offer
the most complete and innovative range of the World Market; a range that starts from
the basic models to interact with any Alarm Control Panel, up to the STAND-ALONE with
integrated Alarm Control Panel, all equipped with a wealth of mechanical and electronic
All DEFENDERTECH Fog Machine are tested individually at the factory, responding to very
high production standards, thus providing the certainty of the operation of their equipment
over time.
- Made in italy 100%
- With or without integrated alarm control panel
- Technical assistance directly by the manufacturer
- Maximum versatility of interfacing and management
- Native with connectivity of network with implementable protocol, can be managed remotely individually or in a group with dedicated room control software
- A machine for 2 environments simultaneously (with front-back accessory) extendable nozzle up to 50cm
- Unique understanding that can be hidden, with accessory link on the back
- No additional accessories for installation for ceiling
- The tank chargers itself
- Liquid does not have an expiration
- Ready from 10 to 20 minutes (depending on the size)
- Electric and adjustable absorption
- Electric consumption ONLY when armed
- Guaranteed burner for 5 years H24
- In case of black-out power after 1h is provided to see anything for 60”
- More than 4.5 to 7 minimum handling autonomy fog (implementable)
- More density and persistence of the fog
- Cold cover always to active device
- Different protection levels from the accidental spool
- Four colors available without additional costs
- Three electronic versions
- Conformity with EN 50131-8
- The liquid and fog are NOT FLAMMABLE, its tank can NEVER DETONATE
- The fog generated by DEFENDERTECH is ABSOLUTELY SAFE, it does not contain harmful or harmful to health and is not harmful to objects.